About Us
Hoa Nam LLC is a Vietnamese company, located in Hanoi capital.
We have been involving in teaching paragliding and powered paragliding courses, providing tandem flights, providing paragliding guided tours, buy and sell paragliding and powered paragliding equipment for nearly 10 years
Our team combines both best competition pilots, best tandem pilots, and brightest instructors of Vietnam. All members of the team are licensed with IPPI P5, instructor licenses, and commercial tandem licenses.
Since 2019, we decided to open our new company and created the new brand Hoa Nam LLC

A bro is someone who always be there for you, support you anyway he could, give you his best advices, sharing all his stories with you, try all new experiences with you.
At HOA NAM LLC, we don’t dare to try new things, take new routes, and if we are succeed, people can follow us.
Our business are run with passion, honesty and openness, to bring best services for our customers.

Currently, HOA NAM LLC represent these following brands in Vietnam:
– Vittorazi Motors (www.vittorazi.com)– Triple Seven (www.777gliders.com)– Nova (www.nova.eu)– Woody Valley (www.woodyvalley.eu)– Flymaster (www.flymaster.net)– Icaro Paragliders (www.icaro-paragliders.com)– Icaro2000 (www.icaro2000.com)– Finsterwalder Charly (www.finsterwalder-charly.de)